How to Change Account Details Print

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How Do I Change My Account Email Address?

When you navigate to the account details area, this is where you can update information such as your address, email address and so on. That page will look similar to the below:


The "My Details" page

You can also update your email preference details. Email address, mailing address, notification (email) preference, mobile #, etc.

Important - If you have not invited other people to help manage your account, turning off options such as "Invoice Email" or "Product Email", for example, will result in you not receiving such communication. Naturally, then you would be unaware of future notifications such as an invoice being due. If disabling some of the important email notifications, please make sure you navigate to "User management" add add the appropriate contact(s)

Adding Users (User Management) to Your Account

This is commonly used when clients have an accountant or bookkeeper they want to coordinate invoice payment (email), etc. It is also very common for those who wish their web designer or developer to be able to request support tickets and communicate with technical support; to extend that option to them. See below for an example of the User Management screen:

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